Zai supports multiple payout methods for sending funds to users on your platform.
You can send funds via real-time payments, domestic bank transfer (direct credit), bill payment (BPAY), wallet account or international wire transfer. You should consider payment processing times, currency support, and fees when deciding which disbursement methods to offer your users.
Real-time payments
Users can receive funds to their domestic bank accounts in near real-time.
Supported countries
Australian accounts can be used as a disbursement destination.
Real-time payments are enabled in Australia, and funds should reach the recipient's bank account in near real-time. Zai provides notification of the success or failure of the payment via the disbursement webhook.
Domestic bank accounts can receive AUD or GBP. The currency of the bank account is set and fixed when creating the account.
Zai charges a surcharge for using a bank account as a disbursement method. As a platform, you may want to charge your users a fee for using a bank account as the disbursement method. These fees can be configured using the fees API. The fee will be subtracted from the amount of funds to be sent.
Managing bank accounts
Creating bank accounts is performed using either the EUI or via the bank accounts API. Bank account details cannot be updated. A new bank account must be created and linked to the user, in the event of incorrect details.
Domestic bank account transfers
Users can receive funds to their domestic bank accounts.
Supported countries
Australian and New Zealand bank accounts can be used as a disbursement destination.
Domestic bank account disbursements are batched. The batch process runs several times per day and it can take up to 3 business days for funds to be received at the destination bank account. Zai provides notification of the success or failure of the payment via the batch transactions webhook.
Domestic bank accounts can receive AUD or NZD depending upon the country that the account is held in. The currency of the bank account is set and fixed when creating the account.
Zai charges a surcharge for using a bank account as a disbursement method. As a platform, you may want to charge your users a fee for using a bank account as the disbursement method. These fees can be configured using the fees API. The fee will be subtracted from the amount of funds to be sent.
Managing bank accounts
Creating bank accounts is performed using either the EUI or via the bank accounts API. Bank account details cannot be updated. A new bank account must be created and linked to the user, in the event of incorrect details.
Bill Payment (BPAY) transfers
Users can send funds to a BPAY registered biller by paying to a BPAY account.
Supported countries
Bill Payments (BPAY) are enabled in Australia only.
BPAY bill payments are batched. The batch process runs several times per day on an hourly basis and it can take up to 1-2 business days for funds to be received at the destination bank account. Zai provides notification of the success or failure of the payment via the batch transactions callback.
Domestic BPAY Accounts can receive AUD. The currency of the BPAY Account is set and fixed when creating the account.
Zai charges a surcharge for performing a bill payment. As a platform, you may want to charge your users a fee for using a BPAY Account as the disbursement method. These fees can be configured using the fees API. The fee will be subtracted from the amount of funds to be sent.
Managing BPAY accounts
Creating BPAY Accounts is performed using the BPAY accounts API. BPAY account details cannot be updated. A new BPAY account must be created and linked to the user, in the event of incorrect details.
Wallet accounts
Wallet accounts can be used as a payout option if the platform is configured accordingly.
Wallet disbursements are processed immediately. Funds are released from items to the user’s wallet. By default, the user’s wallet balance will be automatically disbursed to their nominated disbursement account, as per the batch schedule (several times per day). A platform can request that wallets be set to manual disbursements, and as such funds can be held indefinitely and be used to fund future items.
The user’s wallet currency is fixed to the default currency of the platform (AUD, NZD or USD).
Zai does not charge a fee for using a wallet as a disbursement method.
Managing wallets
Every User is given a wallet upon creation of the user object. A wallet can be funded using a bank account or from the proceeds of item disbursements. Funds are automatically disbursed from a User’s wallet by default. Contact Zai Support if you want to manually disburse funds, and by implication, allow the wallet to be used as a funding source.
International wire transfers
Funds can be disbursed via an international wire to Users. A bank account needs to be associated with the user in order to receive international wires.
Supported countries
All countries are supported that don’t appear on the Australian or New Zealand trade ban lists.
International wire transfers are batched. The batch process runs several times per day. International wire transfers are generally received in 5 days. Some countries can take up to 14 days for the User to receive the funds. Zai provides notification of the success or failure of the payment via the batch webhook.
Zai can send international wires in many currencies. The currency can be configured using the bank account API call.
Zai charges a fee to send funds via an international wire transfer. As a platform, you may want to charge your users a surcharge for sending the international wire transfer. These fees can be configured using the fees API. The fee will subtracted from the amount of funds to be sent.
Managing international wire transfers
Creating International bank accounts is performed using either the EUI or via the bank accounts API. Bank account details cannot be updated. A new bank account must be created and linked to the user, in the event of incorrect details.
PayPal accounts
Funds can be disbursed to PayPal accounts.
Supported countries
Zai can send funds to all countries that PayPal supports.
PayPal disbursements are batched. The batch process runs several times per day. PayPal payments usually take 3-5 days to be received by end users. Zai provides notification of the success or failure of the payment via the batch webhook.
PayPal payments can be received in AUD. The currency is dictated by the platform’s default currency setting.
Zai charges a fee for sending funds to a PayPal Account. As a platform, you may want to charge your users a fee for using a PayPal Account as the disbursement method. These fees can be configured using the fees API. The fee will subtracted from the amount of funds to be sent.
Managing PayPal accounts
Creating PayPal Accounts is performed using either the EUI or via the PayPal accounts API. PayPal account details cannot be updated. A new bank account must be created and linked to the user, in the event of incorrect details.